Why mess with a good thing? Radio works. Always has, always will. Just turn your radio to 92.1 CITI.

Google Smart Speaker
You can do a google search with your mouth. Just say, “Hey, Google, play “92.1 CITI” and you’ll suddenly find what you’ve always been looking for.

Amazon Smart Speaker
If you have to self-isolate, you might as well self-isolate with Alexa. She rocks. Just say, “Alexa, play 92.1 CITI.” And remember to stay 6 to 10 feet apart.

Cell Phone
You can get all the COVID-19 information you need on your phone. Or you can try to blow up your tiny phone speakers by downloading the Radioplayer Canada App and cranking up 92.1 CITI

Social Media
We’re also on your favorite social channels, unless your favorite social channel is Tik Tok. Just look for us:

Facebook: @921citi


Twitter: @921citi