Beyond the Beat: The Music of Resistance & Change


Feb 2 - Sep 1


Canadian Museum for Human Rights,



Music connects and transforms. It can be a powerful force for social and political change.

The Beyond The Beat: The Music of Resistance and Change Exhibit is on now until September at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

An album or even a single lyric can deeply affect a person, an audience or an entire generation. Beyond the Beat showcases artists who have used their talents to promote equality and freedom.

This over-the-top audio-visual experience will take you inside ground-breaking moments when music changed history.  It covers all kinds of sounds over more than six decades featuring punk, folk, rock, hip hop and more!

Some of the things you will see included:

  • Rage Against The Machine’s touring van
  • A stage outfit from Elton John
  • Neil Young harmonicas
  • Tegan Quin’s air organ
  • Redbone’s Gold Record
  • A touring jacket from Ann and Nancy Wilson’s 1977 Heart Tour
  • And much more more!

And where did these things come from? They were borrowed from:10 museums (Places like The Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, The Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, Canada’s National Music Centre in Calgary, etc),15 musicians andprivate lenders

Admission is $18 and tickets are available at the Museum or by clicking here


